Play-Based Learning - Valistus International School

Play-Based Learning

"Play is the highest form of research." --Albert Einstein

Young learners are naturally playful and enjoy having fun. At Valistus, we believe that play-based learning is essential for child development, particularly during the early years. Through play, children are exposed to new situations and develop a wide range of skills and abilities.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage follows a standard that provides learning, development, and care for children from pre-nursery to Foundation Stage 2. The framework at Valistus is designed to include play as one of the characteristics of effective learning. We encourage our young learners to play, explore, and be willing to try new things while discovering the world around them.

Play provides opportunities for learners to investigate, explore, apply their knowledge, and reflect on their learning. It is also linked to the development of resilience and empathy as learners begin to understand others' perspectives. To assist our learners in achieving learning objectives, we plan the play environment at Valistus to provide quality play experiences at different centers designed as part of the curriculum.

The physical environment is arranged in a way that provokes and invites learners to explore and learn. We provide the social and emotional environment where learners can feel secure, warm, and trusted in their relationships with teachers and peers. They are confidently supported in making connections with others, developing friendships, and regulating their behavior.

Apart from these, learners also get free play at the outdoor open spaces designed at Valistus. They can have intentional conversations with friends to extend their learning and develop play themes and ideas.

Overall, our goal at Valistus International School is to nurture inquiring minds and provide quality play experiences that foster a love of learning and exploration for children.