Experiential Zones

Everything that learners understand and absorb in their early years about the world around them is through exploration, hands-on activities, and sensorial experiences; these experiences include acoustic, visual, olfactory, tactile, investigative, experimenting, and, of course, conversation.

In our early childhood environment, we prioritize learning centres that provide developmentally appropriate materials, allowing children to choose their work and learn independently. This approach allows us to nurture our young learners holistically by providing them with a range of thoughtfully planned and structured learning experiences.

  • Literacy Zone: Our literacy zone is a designated space where children engage in various activities to develop and enhance their early literacy skills. Through a range of interactive and fun activities, learners are encouraged to develop a love for reading and writing.
  • Numeracy Zone: Our numeracy zone is designed to provide hands-on, interactive experiences that help children learn mathematical concepts and skills through play and exploration. Children are encouraged to engage in activities that promote problem-solving, critical thinking and reasoning.
  • Understanding the World: The Understanding the World zone is a fun and interactive space that fosters curiosity and a sense of wonder while promoting learning about the world around us. Children are given opportunities to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe, and find out about people, places, technology, and the nature around them.
  • Construction Zone: Our construction zone is a designated learning space where children engage in various construction activities to develop and enhance their fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Children are encouraged to develop a love for building and designing while fostering a fun and interactive learning environment.
  • Art and Design: Our art and design zone is designed to provide children with a safe and stimulating environment where they can explore their creativity, imagination, and fine motor skills through various activities. This learning space offers a variety of activities that are carefully curated to suit the needs of learners in their early years. Learners have access to a range of high-quality materials, such as crayons, markers, paint, clay, scissors, glue, and recycled materials, for creating 3D artworks. Through open-ended activities and access to high-quality materials, children are encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way and learn at their own pace.
  • Investigation Zone: Our investigation zone is a dedicated space where children explore, discover and investigate different materials and objects in an open-ended and inquiry-based way. Children are encouraged to satisfy their curiosity and engage in active learning through hands-on exploration.
  • At Valistus, we believe that learning should not be limited to indoor spaces. Our green campus provides ample opportunities for children to observe and connect with the natural world. From seasonal changes in nature to tending to their own garden, our learners are encouraged to develop an appreciation and understanding of the environment.