Reflecting on the exhilarating experience shared by Amogh and Yuvaan from Year Group 7, it's clear that the trip to KIKSAR Technologies on the 20th of February was nothing short of extraordinary. Read more from Amogh and Yuvaan:
"We had an extraordinary time on our trip to KIKSAR Technologies on 20th Feb. The bus ride was the best part; we got to share our snacks! Although the bus ride was rather long, it was not an unpleasant journey. We shared memories and socialised; for the first time in a while, Year Group 7 was able to talk to Year Group 6.
Once we reached the Kiksar office, we sat down in front of an enormous television, and we were introduced to some of the people who worked there. They explained their teamwork and taught us about the metaverse. They showed us a project that took them months of effort to create. It was a game based on the metaverse where you can shop in their store and try on jewellery, shoes, hats, and clothing. It was amazing!
After a while, we tried out a contraption that uses a camera to track your eyes so you can use YOUR hand to try on jewellery and other accessories. After all of this, we were amazed, but then we saw a mechanism that lets you model what you would look like in some clothes. CRAZY, RIGHT?!
The trip back was much faster, and we all ate the snacks which the school gave us. The meal contained a banana, a randomly flavoured juice, and two mouth-watering muffins. Everyone chatted over the meals, and we finished the remnants of the snacks we had brought from home.
Next time, I think it would be great if we could play their metaverse games instead of just watching, but it was fun anyway, and we spent plenty of time at their office. It would also have been fun if we could learn a little more about Blender – they did show us a bit.
Overall, our field trip to Kiksar was informative and fun. I’d love to visit again, maybe even with my family."