Our school was filled with echoes of ancient times as our talented Year Group 3 students embarked on an enchanting journey into the depths of the Indus Valley Civilization! Through the power of drama and dance, these young historians brought to life the captivating tales of Mohenjo-Daro, showcasing the richness and diversity of this ancient civilization in a spectacular assembly.
In an innovative twist, the students collaborated across classes, weaving together a sequel skit that unfolded over two weeks. The Lavender class kicked off the saga with a riveting performance, while the Violet class seamlessly took over the stage in the following week, creating a seamless narrative that kept everyone on the edge of their seats!
To truly immerse themselves in the world of the Indus Valley, our talented students first honed their skills in the art of pottery. They crafted intricate jewellery, seals, and even bricks from clay, mirroring the craftsmanship of ancient artisans. Bedecked in their self-made adornments, our performers took centre stage, captivating the audience with a mesmerising dance that spoke volumes about the daily lives, customs, and beliefs of the people of Mohenjo-Daro.
From the meticulous town planning to the bountiful harvests of farming, every aspect of Indus Valley life was brought to life with passion and flair. Through their skit, our students delved into the significance of seals, the rituals of burial, and the deep reverence for nature that defined the ethos of this ancient civilization, offering a poignant glimpse into a bygone era.